Our Mission


UTSR is dedicated to building a social network among alumni of the University of Texas at Austin (hereinafter referred to as UT), empowering alumni activities worldwide. Through collaboration with alumni associations of major universities, enterprises, and social organizations, we organize various events to provide a platform for academic sharing, career development, and cultural exchange for both graduates and current students. Our goal is to achieve the vigorous development of the UT Chinese alumni organization in terms of image, scale, and influence, while upholding the honor of our alma mater, uniting alumni at home and abroad, and promoting positive energy.


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2024年11月30日晚,由BIG TEN留学生联盟和德克萨斯大学校友会联合举办的2024感恩节天台派对在深圳圆满落幕!这次活动不仅让大家品尝到美味的感恩节大餐,更在轻松愉快的氛围中收获了温暖与欢乐,大家在温情与欢笑中度过了一个美好的夜晚。所有参会人员与BIG ...
每一个曾在海外独自打拼的留学生,都会怀念着曾经在校园里度过的欢乐时光,和挚友一同奋斗、共同成长的日子。多年后再相聚,在欢笑和感动中,我们才发现那些鲜活的记忆从未远去。 在深圳市的霓虹灯光下,3月9日由得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校同学会主办、UTCSSA联办,的UTSR留学生交流会深圳站圆满落幕。来自各行各业的校友们汇聚一堂,共同追忆校园时光,分享成长历程,携手共创未来。 ...
恰同学少年,风华正茂 - 11月11日,由得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校同学会主办、DC梦想行动和UTCSSA协办的校友座谈会圆满落幕。共四十余位校友乘兴而来,尽兴而归。 ...